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Where is Potomac Boat Club?
PBC is located in Washington, D.C., along the banks of the Potomac River just upstream from Key Bridge in Georgetown. The street address is 3530 Water Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007. Please also see the Contact Us page on the site for a google maps link for getting to the Club.
How big is the club?
PBC’s senior membership is limited to 300 active members, with nearly as many non-active affiliates and non-resident members.
How do I become a member?
The membership application process is explained in full on this site. Go to the Membership Information area for details.
Is there a waiting list for membership?
Yes. The waiting time between submitting and application for membership and obtaining membership varies depending on a rather unpredictable set of factors that influence member turnover. Using history and current high demand as a guide, typical waiting periods can run up to two years.
Can I join just for the summer?
With the exception of some of our competitive rowing programs, which do run just during the summer, the Club does not accept temporary members. For summer program information, please go to the Programs area of the site.
Is there any way to row at PBC before becoming a member?
Some of the competitive programs for both sweep rowing and sculling can accommodate participants who are awaiting membership. Historically, this is particularly true for competitive rowers wishing to train at Potomac, but is not limited only to competitive rowers. Such provisions are typically handled on a case by case basis, so interested individuals should get in touch with one of the coaches or points of contact for the rowing program in question.
Do you have introductory rowing programs?
Because of the small size of our facility and corresponding constraints on equipment and resources, the Club does not offer classes or introductory programs for true beginners in rowing, but learn-to-row opportunities can be found at neighboring organizations, including Capital Rowing ClubThompson Boat Center, and Alexandria Community Rowing (external links). Among our members are numerous alums of these excellent learn-to-row programs and we look forward to welcoming you too!
Do you rent out the boathouse for events?
Only Club members are permitted to use the Club facilities for private functions, due to the age of the boathouse and interest in its preservation. Members who wish to rent the Club for a private event should contact the Events Coordinator.
Do you have boat storage space available?
Boat storage is available for Club members only. Rack space for boats is a scarce commodity on the Potomac River, and this Club is no exception. Even among members, the waiting list for rack space is multiple years, with many waiting until a space is allocated to them before making a boat purchase.
I will be visiting the Washington, D.C. area. Can I go for a row at PBC?
Experienced rowers from other rowing clubs who are temporarily visiting the Washington, D.C. area may request access to PBC for rowing and training purposes. An active senior PBC member must volunteer to accompany the visitor on each row or indoor training session, either alongside in a single, an erg, or in the bow seat of a multi-rower shell. Visitors may request a PBC member sponsor by emailing the PBC Secretary. The Secretary will post the request to the PBC community, so that willing sponsors and visitors can communicate directly with each other. All visitors must physically sign a waiver, which can be found in the Club Rowing committee “cubby” located underneath the computer logbook in the main boat bay.