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Security Concern: break-in #2
George Kirschbaum


I regret to inform everyone that lockers in the women's locker room were tampered with between 5/5 and 5/13. The Safety & Security Committee, with help from the Locker Room Coordinators (LRCs), are investigating. What can you do?

  1. Check your locker, men and women, to ensure everything is in order. Alert us if its not.
  2. If you are squatting in a locker that isn't assigned to you, please vacate it ASAP.
  3. If you notice any person or activity that seems suspicious while at the club, reach out ASAP.

You can email us at

In the meantime our committee and the LRCs are looking into this matter and making determinations on how to prevent this from happening again. We are also doing a full audit of all the lockers and their users. Only those individuals assigned a locker by the LRCs should be using them. Lockers are for senior members only, and there is a waiting list kept by the LRCs if you would like one in the future.

More as we have it, thanks,


ps- please pass this msg on to RC team members who may not be on this list.

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