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REMINDER: Do not prop doors
George Kirschbaum


The red metal doors between the weight room and ballroom area should not be left propped open. If you open them for ventilation they should be closed when you are finished. If there are others in the weight room when you finish, remind them to close those doors!

It is a small token, but all metal doors in the house are fire doors and serve to slow down the spread of a fire until DCFD arrives. There is a reason there are so many doors between spaces and that they are metal and not wood.

So in this regard, any doors you find propped open, inside or out, should be closed! The exception being the ballroom double doors to the landing. Weight room, hallway doors, locker room doors, lounge door, shop doors, doors to the porch, bay doors, exterior doors (!!!), should not be propped and left when there is not immediate activity involved.

We work as a team. Please spread the word to teammates and fellow members.


George & Lena

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