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An important Announcement for Everyone Who Stores ...
Ghada Hallal

Hi, PBC!

No later than May 5, 2024, all private sculling oars must be labeled with their owner’s name. At a minimum, either your full first and last name or your first initial and full last name must be marked clearly on each oar. (Please read the Q&A below for more details.)

In the next few weeks, we will go through the private oar racks and will tie a note to all unlabeled or illegibly marked oars asking the owner to add proper labels. As the May deadline approaches, we will go through the oars again and send another reminder.

After the May deadline, if there are any oars still tied together, we will try to locate their owners. If we are unable to do so, they will become the property of the club. 

If you have oars you would like to donate to PBC for use by the CRC or the RC, please reach out to CRC Chair James DeFilippi or RC Chair Lauren Schumer.

If you have any questions, please contact Ghada Hallal at


Are there right and wrong ways to write my name on my oars?

  • YES: 
  • Ed Wiggenhorn
  • Edwin Wiggenhorn
  • Edwin C. Wiggenhorn
  • Edwin Charles Wiggenhorn
  • E. C. Wiggenhorn
  • E. Wiggenhorn

  • NO: 
  • Ed
  • Edwin
  • Edwin W.
  • ECW
  • EW
  • Wiggenhorn
  • EdWig
  • Eddie the Wig
  • Wiggy
  • Trogdor the Burninator

What methods should/shouldn’t I use to label my oars?

  • DO: Label your oars with something that will not wear off or fade quickly and in a way that ensures your name is clearly legible, such as vinyl decals or permanent paint pens.
  • Good options for decals include high quality vinyl boat lettering from and, or vinyl bike name decals from
  • If you use decals, clean the area to be labeled (a bit of rubbing alcohol helps) and ensure it’s completely dry before application. Make sure to press down firmly, otherwise the decals won’t adhere properly and will peel off fairly quickly.
  • Oil-based permanent paint marker pens such as these can be used to write your name on your oars.

  • DON’T: Do not use tape with your name written in marker as a permanent solution. You may do this on a temporary basis, but by the May 5 deadline you will need to ensure your oars are labeled with something more durable.

Does my name need to be a certain size?

  • Nope! It just needs to be clearly legible on both oars.

Can I leave on special markings that help me see which oars are mine, such as stripes of different colored electrical tape?

  • Yes! As long as you also add your name to both oars.

What if I bought my oars from someone else and they still have the previous owner’s name on them?

  • Make sure to remove or cover up their name.

What should I do if I purchased oars from the club and they still have the PBC CRC or PBC RC lettering?

  • Please remove that lettering. It’s fairly easy to do with a razor blade scraper like this, available at any hardware store. Once you’re done, wipe off any excess adhesive with rubbing alcohol.

What if I’m unable to come to the boathouse before May 5?

  • Please contact Ghada Hallal at to make an arrangement.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this notice.  While it may seem like a small matter of tidying the boathouse, this project will ensure that members can enjoy more efficient use of the private oar racks, and will allow our Board, CRC, and RC Committees to better identify and respond to members' equipment needs. 

Warm regards,

The Board of Governors

Mike Butler

I got a set of the recommended paint markers and used one to label my oars. In case it’s helpful for others, I left the markers (several colors) on top of the mailboxes, left side, under the raised keyboard. Feel free to use, then put back in the same spot for others.

Mike Butler

Ghada Hallal

Good morning, PBC -

A note has been tied to all unlabeled or illegibly marked private oars to remind owners to add proper labels by May 5, 2024. Please feel free to use the paint markers on top of the mailboxes Mike Buttler has graciously left for others to use. Once done, please put back in the same spot for others to use.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,


Ghada Hallal

Good evening, PBC -

A friendly reminder that we will go through the private oars again to identify any that are still not labeled or mislabeled. After May 5, if there are any oars still tied together, we will try to locate their owners. If we are unable to do so, they will become the property of the club. 

If you have oars you would like to donate to PBC for use by the CRC or the RC, please reach out to CRC Chair James DeFilippi or RC Chair Lauren Schumer.

If you have any questions, please contact me (Ghada Hallal) at



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