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[New Feature!] Quick Catch: Andrew Weinstein
Peter Clements

PBC - the Communications Committee is trying to bring into 2023 some of the great bits about "The Blade", a published newsletter the club used to produce featuring topics of interest, news, and member info... and so we're inaugurating the first of many member profiles, a "Quick Catch [Up]" to help let YOU know who is part of the community!

First up... Andrew Weinstein!

How did you come to join PBC, and when did you join?

I was coming off of only lifting/bodybuilding for about a year after leaving college in Philly early 2016 (go Drexel!!) and started erging and working up to my college meters volume again. Started missing being out on the water and reached out to see if I could join sweep in late 2017. Ultimately decided to join the Sculling group, and the rest is history!!

When, how, and where were you first introduced to rowing?

I was a bit chubby in 8th grade, so my parents insisted I do some kind of sport in High School hoping i would get healthier. Best part is I wanted to be a coxswain, but the Freshman coach at the time thought I was too heavy! So here we are, 16 years and many tens of millions of kilometers later!

What are your most memorable rowing (or even racing) experiences?

In college, rowing with my teammates in the LTWT4+ at Dad Vails. No-one expected us to even be in the final, but we made it there nonetheless.

Close second is the LTWT 1x semifinal at summer trials 2022 where I was just happy to even be healthy after coming off sickness, but after rowing my own race the first 1500m or so I found myself in 2nd, with top 3 qualifying for the final. I remember looking over and seeing 3rd about half a length down, and realizing that I had the legs to make it to the final. I just turned my head back, looked down my stern, and pushed even harder. Didn't stop until I heard the beep and I was a couple strokes past the line just to make absolutely sure I stayed out front.

Favorite boat name either at the club or ever?


What motivates you to get out of bed when your alarm goes off at at the crack of dawn for a row? If you prefer the afternoons, how do you make that work with your daily schedule?

That if I can get up and put the work in, every day is like putting another penny, nickel, or dime in a jar. At the end of the season and it's race time, you have to pay up. Best have as much in the bank as you can. Do the work, own the dream.

Understanding that rowing often takes up most of one’s time and energy, are there any other hobbies you have that you’re particularly passionate about?

I'm a Naval Architect by profession, so it's all just boats and ships up in my noggin. Though I have gotten into woodworking which has been very fun! Otherwise I just love exercise of any form. Triathlons, cycling stage races, bodybuilding (briefly), marathons, just to name a few things.

What do you like most about the sport of rowing?

If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room, what would you choose and why?

Varies from day to day, but I love anything by Avril Lavigne. Old school punk rock is my jam.

When you were 10, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I had no idea what I wanted to do! I was 10. Simpler times. I did know at 12 that I wanted to be a Naval Architect and design ships, which is what I do now!!

Is DC the South or the North?

Geographically according to the Mason-Dixon Line it's the south, but as a Boston boy, it culturally it feels more like the northeast.

What is your local/DC controversial/unpopular opinion, or "hot take"?

If live in Maryland or Virginia in one of the cities bordering D.C., are not a D.C. native.

What is your favorite or underrated/unknown local attraction or place to go?

Booeymongers in Georgetown (unfortunately temporarily closed). Second pick would be Baked and Wired. Thai Iced Tea there is great.

What was your COVID hobby... and are you still keeping up with it?

Erging was the hobby, definitely slowed down on that quite a bit since. Only so many times you can do a Lord of the Rings ergathon in a year without it being redundant. Taking suggestions for other things to watch that aren't Star Trek.

What is your go to recommendation for people new to the area or visiting?

Hit all the museums you can if you've never been. We have a wonderful and diverse variety of American History and World History right at our fingertips. There is something special about being right in a quick bike's distance of so many museums and monuments of cultural, scientific, and historical significance.

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